BABES  ACTION  MARTIAL ARTS -- a new show every 10 minutes


Directed by David Huey
Featuring Malaipet Sasiprapa, Krit Seaung, Yodsaenklai Fairtex & Gary Woods
Airs at the top of the hour.

An inspiring true story that spans eight years and five continents. Malaipet retires after losing his championship title to live with his father on his struggling rice farm. For this Thai boxer, being sent away to a Muay Thai camp meant leaving his home at age 6. For his father, sending his son away meant giving him a chance to fight for a better life. Soon after Malaipet retires, he is given a chance to live the American Dream and makes the difficult choice to leave his father again.

Live vicariously as you follow this champion's rise and fall. Witness his road to redemption and discover the heartbreaking secret that keeps him fighting.

(16 Moviesodes)

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