BABES  ACTION  MARTIAL ARTS -- a new show every 10 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is BAMchannel?
    A: BAM is an acronym for Babes, Action, Martial Arts, available only on and TVU Networks.
  • Q: Can I watch any show I want?
    A: No, BAMchannel is a TV station broadcasting a new series of shows live. Check our schedule for air times. Sit back, relax and enjoy the variety of shows like you would with any other TV network.
  • Q: Why are shows scheduled every 10 minutes?
    A: BAMchannel values your time, so we can provide you with Babes, Action and Martials Arts all within a short period of time.
  • Q: What is a moviesode?
    A: BAMchannel offers movies seen in segments, like TV episodes. Each moviesode has a “previously on” recap of the last show, so you’ll never be lost.
  • Q: What if I want to see the whole series or complete moviesodes all at once?
    A: The complete moviesodes or full features are available at the BAMchannel Shop starting at only $3.99.
  • Q: Is BAMchannel free?
    A: 100% yes. We depend on the support of our advertisers and viewers like you. Please keep free of charge by purchasing from our advertisers.
  • Q: What if I need help with the TVU player?
    A: Please go to
  • Q: What if I have more questions?
    A: Please email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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What type of shows would you like to see on BAMchannel?

BAM Shop: Recommendations

Black Forest

Black Forest on DVD

Starring: Richard Norton (Jackie Chan's City Hunter), Don Stroud (Carnosaur 2, The Buddy Holly Story), Lynn-Holly Johnson (Ice Castles, The Watcher in the Woods), James Van Patten (Robin Hood, Men in Tights) & Ron O'Neal (Superfly)
Six friends awake from "hyper-sleep" only to find themselves marooned in space with only one way home - a single passenger shuttle craft. Close freinds are transformed to bitter rivals as the countdown to shuttle launch becomes a fight for life.

20th anniversary release of the obscure Sci-fi hit film. Initial copies were only available in Japan! Originally released as "Black Forest," this print has been out of circulation for a dozen years!

Buy Now: Black Forest
(Digital Download)

Buy Now: Black Forest