Anubis(Don Sandeen) Lord Anubis is the Egyptian god of the underworld and appears as a half man - half jackal. In god form, Anubis ferries the recent dead through the complicated and often dangerous afterlife. He measures the worth of their souls and finds them a place to rest in peace. In addition, he serves as the final authority on mummification, holds the honorary title of Keeper of Divine Justice and deals with stupid, insolent humans who attempt to conjure souls from his sovereign domain. |
Oncilla Satanna(Noel Francomano) A self-proclaimed witch, Oncilla leads a busy life. She plays keyboards for the local shock-rock band “Rape Van,” trolls e-bay for rare magical antiques, and plans to summon the Egyptian god of the dead - Anubis - from the great beyond. Oncilla is not as confident as she appears nor as proficient at black magic as she would like. |
Paul(Christopher Kann) Paul is a frustrated and bored clerk at a video store on a small East Coast island. His girlfriend is loving, yet frigid. He doesn’t go in for magic or mystical mumbo-jumbo. |
Jennifer(Victoria Campbell) Jennifer is a local prim and proper island girl. She is more interested in keeping her boyfriend at bay while making plans for a perfect future. She also hopes to attend Brown University next year and has much better things to do with her time than fooling around with stupid spells and ancient rituals. |
Starring: Christopher Kann, Victoria Campbell, Noel Francomano & Don Sandeen
It is modern day New England in a sleepy town with little to do . Five reckless young friends find an ancient text with the power to bring the ancient Egyptian god of the dead to life. They foolishly dabble with the dark magic believing it would not work. They were wrong. They succeed in bringing Anubis to life. One of them dies succumbing to his power. Each survivor must devise a different way to defeat the god of the dead and send him back to the underworld before they become his next victims.
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